
Energy Matters

with Sa & Claudio Silvano

Claudio & Sa    

A column exploring energy healing

We are mostly unaware of our energy.

We awaken to it mainly when it reaches extreme levels, such as when we struggle because of a lack of vitality or when we experience those especially magical days where everything flows easily. The majority of us operate on the premise that we are more or less victims to this fluctuation of energy. We do not realize that, even as we allow outer experiences, circumstances and people to affect our well being, we too in turn affect the energy of our environment and the people in our lives. We are oblivious to the subtle energy that is created from our thoughts and words, the feelings we carry and the colours, clothes and perfumes we wear. All that we think, all that we feel, every expression of ourselves, is a presentation of our energy into the world we live in.

We impact our world with our conscious and unconscious being. We may wish to present lovingly, we may even appear peaceful and balanced. However, if our thoughts and feelings are unkind either towards ourselves or others, then it is the energy of our thoughts and feelings that negatively impacts both our own energy and the energy around us.

Our inner wisdom tends to operate more on energy than on superficial data. Our minds are often out of alignment with what we feel is going on around us. This creates a polarity between the mind and our wisdom that causes us to be confused and distrust our choices. There is no reason why our minds cannot function in harmonious partnership with our senses. Opening to both would result in much more honest and enriching life experiences.

There are many simple and effective ways to change both our energy and uplift the energy of our environment. The key to this is to become aware of what is happening in the present moment. Becoming present to this moment gives us all the information we need to change the energy both within and outside of ourselves. In this moment, we can become aware of our thoughts and if necessary change them. Present to this moment, we may realize that our immediate environment is loaded with uncomfortable energy. We may choose to either walk away from it or clear the energy of the space before we settle into it. Energy will change the moment we rectify what is causing us discomfort. We are empowered to alter energy in an instant through a conscious awareness of the here and now.

Here is a very simple and effective technique to rejuvenate both yourself and your environment.
Visualize a beam of diamond light flowing down from the infinite above. Establish the flow of this light so it enters the earth and connects to the centre of the earth. Now see yourself standing in this beam of light. Let it enter you, flowing through you and all around you. Allow it to completely purify you on all levels (body, mind, heart & spirit). Take your time. When you feel clear allow this light to fill you with Divine Grace (which holds the energies of both Divine Love & Divine Consciousness). Let it fill you completely, surround you and also flow down into the earth for her benefit and the good of all.

Use this same technique to purify and bless any object, your home or any environment. Just extend the beam to fill the space you wish to work with. If you clear the energy of a room prior to physically cleaning it; any heavy energy present will be removed, making your work “lighter”.
Be-Come Present. You are in charge of and the master of your own energy. You have the power to purify and make sacred your energy and the energy of your environment. The practice of this will bring you much joy and lightness in your every day.

Energetic blessings of peace & harmony to you.
Sa & Claudio Silvano

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