
Yoga to Health

with Louise Wiggins

Louise Wiggins    

NAMASTE dear friends in yoga, Yoga teaches….. that the body eavesdrops on the mind and that the mind has great power over the body.

In India, they train elephants by taking a baby elephant and tying one of its legs to a tree by a length of rope. At first the baby elephant struggles to free itself and to extend beyond these rope-imposed limits but after some time, it stops struggling. The trainer can then removes the rope knowing that the elephant will not stray beyond the limits with which it grew accustomed. It is also interesting that as the elephant matured, its superior strength could easily have pulled the tree by its roots, yet it doesn’t even try to do this. As the elephant grew up, it became accustomed to its physical limitation to such an extent that this limitation became a mental limitation as well. And how often do we come across these self imposed limitations in our own thinking and attitudes!

The next time you catch yourself thinking a limiting thought such as “I’ll never be able to…….” , smile and mentally remove the rope around your ankle and set yourself free from such limitations, knowing that they are in the mind, not in the body!

It’s fun to find this powerful limitation that we place on ourselves and to see it for what it is and then to be able to set yourself free to explore your inner and outer world with the open-minded attitude that it deserves. Allow this attitude to help you discover how good it feels to let go and find your true best potential.

Let’s all make a resolve to set ourselves free and to explore the world, both inner and outer, with an open heart and an open mind.

Yoga Practice Affirmation Meditation

Sitting quietly, take a few moments to relax the breath, and allow the body to move into stillness. Mentally affirm “My life is an expression of my thoughts; I choose my thoughts with care. “
Warmly, yours in yoga

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