
Healthy lifestyle


     The Real Truth

Professional Woman    

As a doctor who sees thousands of peri-menopausal women, I believe that it is the quality of life issues in the present moment that are most important to women right now. These are the issues that women must still grapple with every day & which greatly affect the enjoyment of their lives.

Women are not so much interested in how they will feel in 20 or 30 years time, but rather want to be able to enjoy the still relatively young years, at least in today’s terms, that exist between the ages of 45 to 65. Also, today’s woman is smart & well educated & wants to know ALL her options. She knows that osteoporosis & heart disease have much more to do with lifestyle & diet, than they do with hormones. The reality is that if you have a poor diet, smoke heavily & do not exercise, then all the HRT in the world is no guarantee that you will be saved from obesity, fractures & heart attacks. Yes a magic HRT pill to protect us from ageing would be great; I would take it also! However we are all too smart to be duped by drug companies.

Women would like to know that;

• Very few pharmacological treatments in medicine are perfect. Most are a compromise between relief & possible side effects. We need to weigh up all the pros & cons.

• There is a great difference between individual women; some need HRT to enjoy their lives, while others feel well & function efficiently without HRT. We should not frighten all women off HRT; some types of HRT remain a viable & safe option for many women.

• Nutritional medicine can work, especially for the prevention of long term degenerative diseases; however it can not simulate the effect of real hormones in the way we feel. For example homeopathic hormones do not work at all & herbal hormones will not achieve the exact same effect of real hormones.

• There is a huge difference in the effect induced in the body by different types of hormones. For example, hormones taken orally are absorbed from the gut & pass straight to the liver. The liver breaks the hormones down & only a certain amount gets past the liver into the general circulation, therefore we must use higher doses of more potent hormones to gain a clinical result. This increases the work load of the liver & induces the liver enzymes to make more clotting factors – thus we become more at risk from blood clots & heart disease.

There is no doubt that hormones can help women to feel & look younger & keep them sexually young. Just imagine if men ran out of their sex hormones at the tender age of 50? There would be a hormone shop in every suburb!


For further information on how to balance your hormones naturally, I suggest you read “Hormone Replacement The Real Truth”, a must read for women of all ages. “Hormones- Don’t Let Them Ruin Your Life” is another informative read for any aged woman. Dr Sandra Cabot’s Health Advisory Team can be contacted by phone 02 4655 8855 or via

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