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From the Editors

Enza VitaLeo Drioli
   Enza Vita                        
Leo Drioli

Adelaide issue 1

Building  a more conscious community

As we awaken, our challenge continues to be the ongoing process of creating an authentic life, a life that is essentially a work in progress, lived from a core desire for what is true, real and lasting.

Numerologically, we’ve moved into a “2” era. Since the year 2000 the world has been undergoing a radical shift in consciousness and many have been and still are struggling to adjust to this call to move out of the stuck places in our heads to discover a more connected way of living from our hearts. The “2” energy is asking us to come out of ourselves and join with others in our continued journey of growth and awakening.

Creating conscious community is a labour of love that begins within ourselves and gradually moves out to touch all those around us: to our partners, to our children, to our friends, to those we love and to those who have hurt us…all of life in fact will be touched by our efforts to heal ourselves and in so doing help heal the world.

If you have been doing the work consciously, you will be aligned with what’s being called for…and you’ll know that it’s no longer about getting it together sometime in the future but moving into the truth of who and what we are right here, right now.

The last couple of years hasn’t been easy. It’s been a trying time of major flux as the world ‘s struggled to adjust to this new planetary consciousness…”Am I living the Truth within me? And if not, what do I need to do?” These words have been resonating within the hearts of many and it’s beginning to create an effect in our community. Have a close look around and see if you agree that many people are more open and willing to dig a little deeper; to face the fear instead of run from it; to seek out new ways to deal with the negativity in our lives; to discover a more harmonious way of life and make an honest attempt at living it.

If you are one of the many people aspiring to build a more conscious community by becoming more conscious yourself, we hope this paper in some way assists you on your journey.

Enjoy and pass on this inaugural Spring edition of Adelaide’s Inner Self.
I’ll leave you with the lyrics to a song I recently wrote that expresses the reason and inspiration behind this new publication.

We’re all looking for
Just a little bit more
Of what is true, real and lasting
It doesn’t take much
Just a look or a touch
Can open the door…Just a little bit more
We’re all caught in a spin
Looking out from within
Too distracted by the world to be asking
What it is that’s in here
Keeps creating the fear
Why not open the door…Just a little bit more
You know there’s really nothing to be afraid of
Soul searching never led anybody astray
When you find out just what you’re really made of
You’ll open up that door…
and blow all those cares away
For then you’ll have found
As you look around
A world that’s true, real and lasting
No it doesn’t take much
Just a look or a touch
Can open that door…Just a little bit more

Warm Regards,
Leo Drioli & Enza Vita



© 2009 Innerself