The Anger Points
by Sahaja

In this edition, we continue our discussion of the enneagram by exploring the group of three character fixations that manifest their primary viewpoint and experience in the physical body. I’d like to reiterate, that when you read literature about the enneagram and the types, it is essential to recognise that you are not a fixation. You are the ‘isness’ of total being, a facet of which manifests as a body with a mix of characteristic ‘egoic wiring’ we call character fixations. These contribute to obscuration of objective characteristic experiences of ‘isness’.

When life is experienced through a fixation primarily embedded in the physical body, the viewpoint is dominated by the body mind whose language is that of non-rational, physical impulses attuned to moving toward pleasure and away from pain. There are thoughts and emotions, but the response of these fixations to external triggers will arise as a pre-verbal impulse in the body. These people are also known as obsessive compulsives with issues related to control, compliance and obedience.

The unobscured, objective experiences of the anger points are fundamental characteristics of absolute totality, and all fixations experience the perceived loss of these. The disconnection from the experiences of knowing that you are indivisible, timeless, infinite, totality (8), hence inherently perfect (1), with a quality that is inherently lovable, good and positive (9), contribute to the primary delusions of the anger points. The nine is the core anger point but these people often appear the most accommodating, peaceful, and gentle, their anger is so deeply suppressed. The loss of connection to Being, and experience of conditional loving, results in feeling intrinsically unlovable, inferior, unworthy, and they respond by becoming deeply unconscious of their true nature. We all have to meet this core ‘falling asleep’ to experience the preciousness, delight, and wonder of living. For nines, the sleepiness is experienced in the body as a heavy, anchoring energy that deeply buries their inner experiences, manifesting as laziness to what is most essential, a refusal to see, and resistance to change. The egoic attempt to imitate the essence of loving Being, manifests in avoiding conflict, supressing anger, and yielding to other peoples desires which enrages them. “No” is a rarely used word. To fill the hole of unlovability, and avoid their suppressed anger, they will narcotise themselves with food, alcohol, sex, things that make them happy, and pleasurable activities. Anger leaks out passive aggressively with feelings of being controlled and stubbornness.

As a generalisation, anger points move against people, but the flavour varies with the exteriorised eight enraged at the painful loss of seemingly being separated from totality, and believing oneself to be a body. With that duality comes the reaction that someone else is to blame, and there must be vengeance. They have no problem with expressing anger externally feeling the need to defend themselves against a hostile world, and standing up for justice on behalf of the underdog. Vulnerable tender feelings are rejected so as not to appear weak or dependent. Angry, dominating control of others imitates the true essence of Shakti, which is an experience of a vital energy of strength free of any dependence on ‘other’. For the interiorised one, there is resentment and criticality in the pursuit of perfection. Anger and rejection of their own experience arises from a sense of there being something inherently wrong with them that is also projected onto others. It is the home of comparative judgement associated with subjective measures of perfection that can never be met, despite all their striving to be better. There is constant dialogue of the superego berating themselves with a flavour of preaching righteousness, and virtuous morality. This veils the essence of purity inherent in being a facet of ‘isness’, which is everything, and therefore perfect and right in this now of absolute reality.

A sample of other key traits of a nine form are; habitual, conservative, pursuit of distractions, melt into partners, ‘couch potato’, passion for comfort, peacekeepers, hoarders, unkempt homes, live through others (family or in clubs), lack of own identity, chameleons, lack of personal hygiene, sense of lethal rage.

A sample of other key traits of an eight form are; boastful, bigoted, tough, blunt, insulting, crass, always right, rebels, unkempt, consume whatever brings pleasure in life to excess, intense, big energy/presence, work hard/play hard, ‘laying trips’, denial, self-reliant, hedonist/puritan, possessive, indulge in power, loyal to friends.

A sample of other key traits of a one form are; denial of anger, physically stiff from excessive control of themselves, obsessive orderliness and cleanliness of self/house/garden, rigid/sensitive, jealousy, controlling, demanding, disciplinarians, preachers, aristocratic, compulsive virtue, puritanical, masochistic, sarcastic, obedience issues, worry, social reformers.

Next edition we will explore the group of emotional body fixations, the image points.

Sahaja is devoted to living as the clearest expression of True Nature possible, and being used in support however that looks. Currently this is available as one-on-one assistance with self inquiry. Further information, or contact Sahaja, Further reading: “From Fixation to Freedom” Eli Jaxon-Bear For Upcoming Enneagram Retreats: