The Image Points
by Sahaja

In this edition, we conclude our discussion of the enneagram by exploring the group of character fixations that manifest their primary viewpoint and experience in the emotional body. I’d like to reiterate, that when you read literature about the enneagram and the types, it is essential to recognise that you are not a fixation. You are the unmoving, omnipresent totality in and on which the appearances of manifest Being dynamically unfold, a facet of which appears as a body with a mix of characteristic ‘egoic wiring’ we call character fixations. These contribute to obscuration of objective characteristic experiences of manifest Being.

These fixations are the home of egoic misinterpretation of the manifest functioning of loving Being. The indivisible, harmonious, flowing intelligence, of dynamic unfolding appearances of Being, is mistaken for partitioned sensory reality. Life is experienced as separate objects, with activity defined by a separate ‘doer’ (3) with an independent will (2) and a disconnected separate identity (4). Cause and effect arises with this view. When life is experienced through these fixations, the viewpoint is dominated by non-rational emotional ‘thoughts’ and waves of feeling attuned to a neediness of moving toward external objects misidentified as the source of both love, and validation of an independent free will and worthiness. These people have issues related to relationship and image.

The three is the core image point where the disconnection from Being results in a need to be an independent, non-stop doer to survive and get love. There is a need to create a successful, lovable image for others, exposing only the imagined ‘correct’ emotions, which is a painful self-deceit, covering and avoiding a fear of rejection, self-hatred, inadequacy and incompetence leading to judgemental helplessness, and ultimately an existential helplessness that results in a constant striving activity. Self worth and lovability is attributed to producing, and achieving, which they do with a polished competency and efficiency. This is the imitation of the true essence of omnipresent Love effortlessly, harmoniously, unfolding to its own natural law without any true separation between the multitude of appearances. From this objective experience true acts of compassion can arise.

A sample of other key traits of a three form are; superficial, multitasker, role player, skilled organiser, vanity, stressed workaholic, propagandiser, overachiever, fantasise about next achievement, brand named objects/possessions, prestige by association, appear the perfect man/woman.

The exteriorised two is convinced they have a separate will and can get their own way which results in a ‘comic’ prostituting seduction and manipulating kindness/caring to survive, and get love and validation from others, with constant assessment of ‘right’ action to ensure their ideal outcome. It is humiliating to the egoic pride when they don’t get their way, so the defence is stubborn wilful action fuelled by an abject knowing of how things should go. Freedom is discovered in surrendering to what the unified unfolding, will of Being presents with no preference and manipulation, whence acts of true kindness arise.

A sample of other key traits of a two form are; special/best carers, advisers, helpful, empathic, flattery, haughty superiority, repressed needs, self-hatred, stars, Daddy’s girl/boy, militant/libertine style, selfish pride of place, possessive, seduce power.

For the interiorised four, believing themselves a separate, isolated, identity results in painfully ‘tragic’ loneliness and sad despair, from a sense of being cut off from their true source of Being, and it’s quality of love. An incredible feeling of lack, lostness, and abandonment results in a forceful craving for love, through a passionate envy, that never fills the inner scarcity and woundedness, but brings a corresponding sense of shamefulness, worthlessness and self-hatred. Envy also appears as pursuit of the extraordinary, intense, dramatic, social standing, and dissatisfaction in the ordinary. They need to control in an attempt to feel connected. An elite, idealized image is created in imitation of originality as unique, stylish, artistic, but can include imitation of others. Neediness for relationship arises for a source of acknowledgement. Regaining Being as one’s true origin reveals the true essence of joy.

A sample of other key traits of a four form are; competitive, romantic, analytic/disoriented, lamenting, melancholy, self-pitying, suffer to obtain love, addiction, unquenchable need/longing for love, negative introjection, dauntless.

In conclusion, becoming aware of, meeting and deconstructing the core delusions at the heart of all nine fixations allows the possibility of experiencing the clarity of pure, unveiled essence of manifest Being. Without this, we can still be unconscious of remaining ‘separateness’ of egocentric experience, even having had beautiful experience and true knowing of Absolute reality, and living from awareness. More fully realising objective reality leads to evolving beauty in living from the viewpoint of totality, and opens the way to ongoing realisation. Fixation can then arise as a more transparent mirror, as we are used in support of other’s realisation in the play.

Sahaja is devoted to living as the clearest expression of true nature possible, and is available for one-on-one assistance with self-inquiry, For upcoming Enneagram Retreats: Eli Jaxon-Bear, Byron Bay NSW, 25-29 Nov 2015,, and Advanced reading: A.H. Almaas’s “Facets of Unity, The Enneagram of Holy Ideas”.