Q & A with Cinzia Vuat

Q Cinzia my Husband has to make a big work decision. Can you see anything to help? Rosemary, NORWOOD

A Hi Rosemary, Your husband is planning to leave his current job. He’s starting his own business. Pay attention to marketing and internet opportunities. The business will be very successful with huge expansion potential which I see occurring through it going online.

Q Dear Cinzia, I have seen you before and you have been spot on with what you predicted will happen. This time I have a specific question only; will I sell one of my businesses?


A Dear Nick, No I do not see you selling one of your businesses. Your businesses will go through a growth stage and I see overseas travel as you will be encouraged to invest in a franchise. I don’t know how the travel connects in with the franchise but it (the travel) will come and the way I see it coming up I believe the two are linked. I see expansion for you not sale!

Q Hi Cinzia please can you help me as I’m concerned about my son and my daughter in laws relationship. They are talking about separation. Can you shed any light or offer any advice?


A Hi Tammy. They are both going through a testing time and I feel that pressure from your Son’s work and issues at home with the children are causing what feels like a state of “being stuck”. It feels to me like Groundhog Day. This state of affairs is going to shift slowly through this year as your daughter in law will be finishing study, I see her graduating, possibly the completion of a degree. It will affect her sense of self-worth. Also changes in your sons work will lead to a change for the better. Don’t worry it will all blow over.

Q Cinzia will money and work improve for me soon?


A Hi Shelly, I sense that circumstances at your work will change this year. I feel one or two staff are leaving in the near future and you will be asked to do more but I also see your wage will increase accordingly which I can tell has been a big concern for you. That’s not all though, things just keep getting better for you in the longer term. The most significant change is next year! I can see you will start your own business which will be very successful and it will be financially rewarding . I see you happy if you follow that path which will not open up for you until next year.

Q Hi Cinzia, My mum is in a nursing home and not well lately. She seems to have slowed down and I am worried about her health. Can you see what is happening with her health please?


A Dear Amanda – Sorry to hear about your mum, she is such a lovely person! I see she is usually very strong but I think you do have cause for concern as I sense she is slowly letting go. Spend as much time with her as you can because her health may shift suddenly if this process continues. She loves you so much.

As a child Cinzia suffered from selective mutism, frightened to speak, her healing search began and intensified after a near-death experience resulted in awakening her uncanny psychic ability, now a psychic medium Cinzia is available to Innerself readers who have a pressing question they would like answered. Please indicate in any email whether you give permission for extracts to be published and pseudonym if required. Reply emails also welcome. Phone: 0410 456 540